Lake of the Woods, Virginia
Discover your Community and make the most of living
. . . On Lake Time
Your Community
Collecting Food For Food Pantry
On Saturday, Oct. 21st the AARP in Lake of the Woods will hold their annual collection of food to benefit Wilderness Food Pantry. You will be able to donate food between the hours of 9 am and 1 pm in two locations. The first being the parking lot across from the LOW Gaurd House and the second will be inside the main door of Walmart. Items in need are: Peanut [...]
. . . And Bears, Oh My!!
(stock photo - not actual LOW bear) As many of you may or may not know Lake of the Woods has been having their annual Bear sightings in our quiet little neighborhoods although it does seem earlier than the occurrences last year. Perhaps this snap of milder weather has made our big fuzzy buddies contemplate an early hibernation. For those of you who have not been following the information on [...]
If You Haven’t Seen Channel 18 Lately – You Haven’t Seen Channel 18
Did you know Lake of the Woods had its own TV Channel? We do and it is now filled with compelling local interest stories. After recently talking to Norm Allen, the new wizard behind (and sometimes in front) of the curtain we were excited to learn not only of the existing content of TV 18, now called Life Around The Lake but, of the future plans Norm has for [...]
So Much Happening This Week! Don’t Miss Out!
Any given week there are always lots of things to do here in LOW but this week is more jam packed than most so we thought we would lay it out for you so you don't miss a thing! Check out our Events Page at for more details on this weekend and the events for the upcoming weeks AUG 11th. - Summer concert at the point AUG [...]
At The Hop!
AT THE HOP!! A special concert and dance at Lake of the Woods Community Center on Saturday, September 30, will be emceed by Bill "Dick Clark" Lord and feature singer Bill Feterle with guest artist Sherri LaHay Lasover. Come listen or dance to the ‘50s and ‘60s Rock N Roll as Feterle and Lasover take us down memory lane. It's where it's at Jack! So get your poodle skirts, DA's and [...]
Seniors Refresh Driving Skills
AARP is offering a Smart Driver Course for Seniors right here in LOW. This event will be held August 25th from 9 am to 5 pm at our own Community Center. In this one day course, you will learn- Defensive Driving Strategies New Traffic Laws and Rules of the Road Ways to handle Highway Traffic, Right of Ways and Blind Spots How to reduce your chance of having an [...]